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Hi, my name is Ania and I’m so glad you are here with me as my natural health clinic website is designed especially for you. I live in Stafford and here are few words about my own health and how it all started.

My journey into the world of personal training and naturopathy started about 10 years ago in London, when I was diagnosed with coeliac disease, IBS, and osteopenia - an immune system disease symptoms- which were triggered most likely by my poor eating habits, and very stressful and fast lifestyle. 
I was treated by a number of doctors and specialists over the years, sadly none could ease my pain, aches and constant bodily discomforts. With every new treatment, new medication, my hopes were up only to go down again as the results were short lived. After years of feeling helpless, deep down I knew that there is a different way to get back to my better and healthier self. I said stop to all medications! I started to do my own research. After weeks of studying, reading books, researching and taking part in health seminars, I discovered that nutrition may hold some answers. I decided to try and started to adjust my diet little by little.
I transformed my lifestyle and dropped old habits; I added a lot more raw fruit, vegetables and herbs which was a fundamental change and soon I started to feel better with much less pain in my body. I was and I still am learning about holistic health approach, which addresses my mental, physical, social, emotional and spiritual components of health and helps me to cope with stress in a more positive way aiding both my mental and physical health.

I’m finally more precise when it comes to nutrition and that's definitely a good thing. I am constantly working on my lifestyle choices and moulding modern aspects of life with more traditional once in a way they serve me and my family's wellness E.g. spending every minute we can in the movement, keeping screen time to a minimum, creating down time in our day, working with not against circadian clock, go out and be with the nature. Changing my diet, but also my lifestyle meant I could return to training my clients, enjoy my life, be happy and pursue new adventures.
I saw first hand how nutrition can do wonders to an individual. It inspired me to learn more and I'm now qualified Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach and I offer workouts and natural movement plans, whole foods meal plans with individualised nutrition and lifestyle coaching throughout the program. I teach my clients how to achieve optimum wellness, as well as be happy and pain free. 



Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach Diploma

CYQ Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instruction (Gym) REP'S 2

CYQ Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training REP'S 3


GP and Exercise Referral Certificate Level 3

Spinning Certificate Level 2

Circuits Training Certificate Level 2

Sports Conditioning Certificate Level 3

Outdoor Fitness Training Certificate Level 3

Business and Marketing Certificate Level 3


T3 Series Certificate (Train, Track, Transform)

T3 Sprint 

T3 Swing

T3 Shred

T3 Blast

T3 Pump

T3 Fight


First Aid Training, St John Ambulance

Fully Insured

Qualification available upon request



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